This is my first Project bike, a $500 Fireblade!

My first real project bike

I’ve had some project bikes in the past, but this is the first time I actually “finished one”. I purchased this neglected and abused fireblade that was sitting on death’s doorway, and I brought it back to life. I documented the whole process and made it into a YouTube series, which many had enjoyed. I love working on bikes and that satisfaction when they first start running is hard to explain. Not sure what I will do with this bike in the future, but for now it’s sitting in my shed waiting to be ridden 🙂 

These are the stock specifications for an 02 CBR954RR

Engine: 954cc Inline 4 
Horsepower: 154 (bhp)
Torque: 74.6 lb-ft
Wet Weight: 424 lbs
Seat Height: 32.1 in
Wheelbase: 55.1 in

1/4 Mile Time: 10.4 seconds
Top Speed: 178 MPH
0-60: 2.8 seconds

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